Monday, 6 July 2009

Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

Before I start, I'd just like to make the point that I'm a big fan of the Transformers in 2007 (and Megan Fox, but that's beside the point) so bias may be an issue in this review.

I originally didn't go into Transformers 2 with high hopes, after reading many a review saying pretty much the exact same thing: it's shit. But, on the contrary, a number of my doppelgangers had already seen the film and had told me it was "awesome", "class" and "sometimes hilarious". This only proves one thing about these people: they like loud noises. So on this basis, I ploughed on to the Odeon, Bridgend (which as it happens isn't as good a cinema as the Showcase Cinema, Nantgarw where I saw the other films I've reviewed so far, even though they have these "Premium Seats" which are exactly the same as the normal chairs, except they have a head rest) to witness the spectacle.

And, my first impressions of the film after I came out where these descriptions seemed true. But while actually looking back, there were a few, make that many, flaws.

The good stuff. The action scenes (which at a guess lasted 120 minutes of the 150 minutes the film lasted) were spectacularly loud with many an explosion and robot faces being ripped in two. That's about it.

The bad stuff. These noises are all very well, if there's a reason for them. Half of the sequences were pointless and didn't really have anything to do with the final story, with mini-skirmishes between anyone and everyone, it seemed purely for revenge of the fallen, surprisingly. And even though they were great to watch, I did get annoyed at the fact that it all seemed very similar to the first film. Optimus making a comeback to winning the battle versus Megatron/whatever the master Decepticon's name was, they never really said that. Or I just wasn't paying attention. And the ending was pretty much the spitting image of the first film. Shia LaBeouf and Optimus standing on the edge of something, with Optimus talking over it about how they won the war and they'll stay on earth. That pissed me off.

Shia LaBeouf did his best to rescue the film, with Megan Fox guaranteeing every male in the galaxy will watch the film one way or another, but sadly the film was poor on hindsight. I can understand why the audience gave it a good reception because it's what a summer film should be. Explosions, fighting and aliens. But, it has to be good at the same time. The humour I found rather stupid, clearly aimed at the younger audience, other than Skids, Mudflap, and the Decepticon that Fox took under her wing, were very funny indeed. But the soldiers in the film seemed very stupid and were just there because they had overly big arms.

So on that rather pissed off sounding review, Transformers 2 gets my worst review so far, if 3.9/10. Shame really. I'll watch the original to get my hopes up a bit more.

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